Couldn't feel anymore ashamed of myself, of the times fighting with my own dad about having more freedom and being so stubborn listening to his constant lectures of striving to be more serious in my studies. To think about all the hurts I've done to him, even though he doesn't even show a hint of it on his face. No doubt it's true that he really sacrificed so much to raise each and everyone of us the best he can - in the best he believed it would be. I felt as if I'm one of the most horrible son one could ever had after listening such a testimony.
The visit to Shelter this Saturday actually do speak a lot in many ways and I do hope that I can encourage the Youth to go in the perspective of compassion and empathy - to constantly seek to show them the love of Christ. They did not ask for many things that happened in their lives and it really bothers me, frankly speaking to hear people say - "So sad/ Poor thing/ thankfully it didn't happen to me."
"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."Help them to trust in the Lord that their parents need Christ in their lives, to see beyond the fault and see the need. Allow them to meet Christ through the conduct of our lives and not treat the whole thing as a "visit" to get done and over with. Youth was never about the activities, it's all about bringing souls closer to Christ!
Hebrews 13:3
Pray for wisdom and to be sensitive towards the Spirit's prompting. It's time to open your horizon.. more than just "Me, myself & I". What C.L. Goh said is true, that the maturity rate of today is way behind compared to those from many years ago. That would mean as a 13 year old, you're pretty old enough to see more than just your own needs but also the needs of others.
After visiting the Shelter a few times myself, they know whether you're visiting with a sincere heart or not. They know whether you really care or you're just there because you "had" to be there. Without having the idea of parents taking care to the best of their welfare and providing them all the love they deserve as a child, it's not surprising they'd be easily offended when you just go there to fool around and treat the whole thing as a joke. They'd rather not have us around then!
But once you show them that you're sincere, they'll open up to you. They show you things that you never thought they would and they'd seek you for help when they feel that there's no one else to turn to - precisely show them the way to who our Lord and Saviour is.
- daryl 's u n d a e' heng
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