Evelyn Tan
8TH JUNE 2013
Hello TTDI GC!
It's been a while since my last update and I'm terribly sorry for that. Life on the ship is so busy! I can't believe that it has almost been a month! CRAZY. I've been alive and the ship is still floating. We are currently in San Fernando. We will be here until Monday, 10/6/13, 3pm afterwhich we will be heading to Subic Bay for a few days to repair the engine. Over a week ago, one of the three engines of the ship broke down. Because of this, our stay in San Fernando was extended and it was uncertain as to how long we would be here. New parts had to be shipped in from Germany. Repair works will be done in Subic Bay. As of now, everything has been delayed but hopefully we will reach Kuching at the initial planned date and time. Please pray that all will go smoothly with repairs and travel.
On my work life - I'm enjoying it. Being in a department that cleans the whole ship daily is a very humbling experience because I have to put my pride down when I clean (especially in public areas) even though it'll get dirty/messy again not too long after. However, I have learned that we can work in whatever area/situation God puts me in. Being in the Angels (that's our official name), cleaning, is my ministry of love to others. Being able to bless someone with clean toilets and floors makes me happy and I actually enjoy doing what I do.
On my social life - I've made some pretty amazing friends. The STEPpers are a close bunch and just yesterday we celebrated my birthday. They surprised me and I had a really lovely day. I never thought i'd meet the people i've met and have them mean so much to me. It's been really good getting to know people from everywhere and know them at a deeper level, one that is not just superficial. Also, people here play Catan but its in German.
On my spiritual life - I believe God is still sorting things out with me but He has helped me change my attitude - the way I see people and treat others. I am still able to keep my focus here, to be completely focused on God. I must admit, before I came, my focus wasn't really on God. And I never quite realized it until now. The ship leaders do not force anything on you. Nobody is forced to attend the daily devotions, weekly prayer nights or worship nights and there are Bible study classes that you must attend. Yet just being here, I've learnt so much about God and how He works.
However, finding time on board to quiten down and do personal devotions or read is difficult because there are just so many activities going on on the ship. Please pray for me in that area. That I will be disciplined to set aside time for personal devotions with God. As I mentioned earlier, I enjoy my work in the Angels. In particular, I enjoy vacuuming stairs because it has given me a lot of time to think and reflect on my spiritual life and life in general and to pray and just talk to God. Never thought I'd ever be this way though.
I will try to send another update in a weeks time. Thank you so much for the support I've been given back home. If it weren't for the church, Jon and I wouldn't be here. God bless.