Jul 23, 2007

Hell's Bells Series

We will be running a documentary series on rock 'n'roll music called "Hell's Bells" over the next 4 Sundays from 29th July 2007 at 11:15 a.m. at TTDI Gospel Centre.

Here's a short transcript of what this series is all about:

"What is wrong with this man? Is this just a good time or is there something of a deeper significance going on here as well? What type of effect does this music have upon people? Is it only rock 'n' roll?
These questions and others will be answered as Hell's Bells takes you on a journey to the heart of rock 'n' roll. You'll discover what it can do to an egg. Your head. Your life. And your eternal soul. We'll explore rock's relationship to sex, violence, suicide, drugs, rebellion, and, most importantly, the occult. As Dr. Alan Bloom noted in his best-selling book The Closing of the American Mind, "Nothing is more singular about this generation than its addiction to music." Incredibly, despite this unprecedented power and the mounting evidence that rock's influence can be less than positive, most people have never stopped to consider what is really going on in and through contemporary music. Why is music so powerful? How does it affect us? What is its source? And to where is it leading us? "

Want to know more? See you at 11:15 a.m. this Sunday!

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