I wake up everyday to my same routine, except weekends. Have you ever thought of your very existence here on this tiny planet? Maybe you’ve thought about your future in the next few years, which university to go to, what ambition to pursue. After your education, you’d probably end up with someone and have kids, then what? You’d start the torturous climb up the social and working ladder. After you’ve gained quite a reputation for yourself, you start to think, what does all this amount to? My fame, riches, etc. Will it all matter on my death bed?
What does it mean when we read in Gen 1:26 that God made man in His image, after His likeness? Man was not made in the likeness of any creature, but in the likeness of his creator. But it is the soul of man, that does especially bear God's image. Man is one rung higher then all other creations for we have a soul, and with that soul, we commune with God. God created in us a void that only Him, and Him only has that capacity to fill that void. No other creation can take His place. Man has a tendency for spiritual matters; we see that all around us: religions, superstitions, horoscopes, etc. We feel an emptiness in us that only God can fill, which is the reason why we have a longing for Him. But of course we can never reach God on our own, which is why Jesus Christ is the one and ONLY way to The Father.
If that is not my purpose for living, I would not have a soul. And if I do not have a soul, I’d be yet another creature roaming the face of earth.
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