Apr 3, 2013

A changed life, bearing good fruit

The title was the theme for the recent retreat at Fraser’s Hill. There are many lessons that I took home from the retreat and the lesson that stands out the most was in one of the session titled Cost of Discipleship. The speaker – Alwyn Lau unpacked the topic using the passage in 2 Cor 12: 9,
My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
When he talked about God withholding His power UNLESS we rely on Him, my thought flashed back to what happened a while ago. Please feel free to check out on my sharing dated 23 Jun 2011, 5 Dec 2011 and 8 Feb 2012.

I struggled a great deal during my work at a previous company due to my laziness. Despite my many mistakes at work, I've caused one of my colleague to bear my faults coupled with affecting her reputation being a respected figure across many subsidiaries within the company– she’s still willing to hear Christ from me. Mind you, this happened when I just newly joined this company.

After sharing with her some of the Bible truths and my personal testimonies, she came to know Christ as her personal Saviour and Lord. Isn’t it amazing how God works? It really caused me to pause and wonder how God could ever use a weak person like me to bring about the first conversion of a non-believer to be a Christian.

No doubt, I always had this eagerness to share Christ with people from the day one that I placed my trust in God. However, for so many people that I've reached out but to date, only my ex-colleague came to know the Lord. What was more wonderful was that God did not use the wise and the mighty to bring her to Christ, but my weakness – as I allowed God to mould me to repent from being a lazy person.

To conclude, I agreed at what the retreat speaker, Alwyn said – if I am willing to listen and respond to God’s discipline and divine “shouts” – I (we) would have the weakness that transforms.

Do join us for the retreat reunion at Church on 20 April (Saturday) 4pm to hear and share what God has in store for you  =)

From Yit Mun, aka IP Man

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