Feb 23, 2010


It is good that Kathleen had commented that the articles written are wordy. It is commendable that she would take the time to make known such an observation . These articles are written with three primary objectives. We wait prayerfully for others could jump in the band-wagon to make further contributions, to vary the flavors and share in the joy of working in this plot of the field.

Many have bemoaned that the level of English has declined when compared to decades past. Our youth have also become enmeshed in today’s “short-messages” syndrome. Most do not read enough resulting in a corresponding degradation in expression and the ability to communicate well, and especially in writing. A worrisome situation pervades; the warbling speech or ill-presented treatise may be symptomatic, of a weakness in understanding, or of an unexamined occupation. To a large extent, clarity of expression reflects clarity of thought and understanding. But expression can be practiced!

It is thought that a possible point of entry to alleviate the situation would be to introduce words to fill up the vocabulary. By increasing the vocabulary and manipulating with different modes of expression, it is hoped that with practice, we would be more adept in our knowledge and use of the English language. As with an oil-paint artist, we would be able to emulate his use of the hues with our pastel vocabulary.

We would also desire to encourage the examination of texts from both the New and Old testaments together. Both testaments are woven together and we would be earnest in displaying the interlace that runs throughout.

There are occasions when a slanted posit is intentionally taken and presented. The exercise is intended to solicit examination, consideration, debate and a searching for the LORD Himself. There are ample texts that dispense hard labor in the examination of His word. Together with all the author-apostles, Jude especially mandates that we should be able contenders for the faith, and practicing defenders of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is sadly true, that many will not read to understand the several words. They will either resign or skimp over without making enthused effort to check the dictionary. We do not deny that it would require some effort to make improvement, and we will endeavor to hold up the benchmark. In the least, we would have made an effort to stem the decline. We would have stood in the gap.

Finally, it is not just words that would caricature our faith and life in Jesus Christ. It is by His grace, that we are enabled and sustained. He will bring us home. Still, He has endowed us with able minds for words, music and all the other mediums for the praise and exultation of His Name and glories. Would we reciprocate like such lame or lazy slouches, incapable beyond those few expressions, that we replicate? Did the Lord Himself not add that we should love the LORD with our minds also? The lyrics of the hymn writer; who imagined, that even if every stalk were to be a quill, and all the oceans ink, and all the heavens a parchment made; still to write about the LORD, an unending endeavor. Yet, we have an eternity to make the attempt!

Perhaps getting a few more words under our vocabulary, would not be, too small an idea, or poor a place to start.

God bless.


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