Jul 21, 2010


We say we are redeemed. Redemption is on the onus of the original owner ,though Levitical rule also provides that the next of kin be accorded the privilege and option, should the owner be unable or unwilling to perform. Redemption requires the payment of a ransom or “buy-back consideration". It has everything to do with ownership. If we reckon ourselves as “having been redeemed” then we cannot deny the fact that there is another owner aside from ourselves.

If we are not our own, the notion that we would have individual rights to ourselves is an absurdity. The chagrin of being independent, self-sufficient and conducting self-rule is either a delusion or open rebellion. The Lord did say, that if any man would follow Him, he has to deny himself. Could this called-for denial, be pursuant to the act of redemption? Do we accept the fact that we have really, been purchased? If we have been bought and are not our own, what would our true status be?

But the LORD is all-gracious; He does not compel by force or by pealing authority. Yet who can say, that He would need our permission, if He should choose, to mould, bend or break according to His purpose and designs? Our obedience is premised on a higher moral authority, not a legal one. Although He commands, He still does not compel except by showing us the better way and invites us to follow. We still can choose not to. This Lord leads and calls on us to follow!

The Master has left us behind for duration. Some of us have, with impunity, forgotten the fact that we have a Master. Our lives testify most accurately our harrowing dispositions. We demonstrate our individualism, our achievements, our independence and our emboldened self, and stumble into the perilous circumstance of misapplying the blessings and gifts we were entrusted with, for their own ends. We are not our own; what do or did we ever have, that we did not first receive, and from Him? Everything was and is, always meant for His purposes; even the life we each were bequeathed with.

In His amazing grace, we have been made sons, His equals in stature, though we are by status, His slaves. Did He not say that “greater things than these shall we do” in His power and in His Name? We are not made automatons in our love and obedience. Love and obedience is not being required on demand, especially as between equals. Our love and obedience is to be propelled by faith in a higher Order. They are to be totally dominated by person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do we really know this Person, more and more? Are we truly riveted on Him? How will we pass our days?

He will return….. as He had promised.

God bless.


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