Jun 30, 2008

Of names for name-sake..

Sorry for the late post..

It has been awhile since the last post. I’m having a little writers block here, was trying really hard to come up with a post titled “Random” but nothing came up. When I was bumming around just now, I suddenly thought about “names”.

My name is Ivan. So I was thinking, what does God call me? Ivan or what? Names usually tell loads about the person. I have an unusual knack of getting into trouble, and that’s where God has been gracious to me, (not that God has been ungracious to me in other parts of my life). FYI, Ivan means, God is gracious? I’m sure you know what your name means.

Hey, I’m really curious as to what God calls me. For names are personal. Example, take my mum, she just calls me “Sen”, my aunties do that too and it brings a whole different touch into that dimension. My cousin Thean Loon, has been calling me “Vern” since we were kids, and yea it’s different and nice. I really really wonder what God calls me!! But it’s certainly not “cow” (thanks to you Matthew Chin!!).


I guess we all can bring home a little lesson here on name-callings. Too often than not, we call people ugly names such as stupid, idiot, donkey, monkey and even cow for that matter, LOL! We must realise that each person is unique and loved by the Almighty, who created each of us. He knew us before we were even conceived. Now who am I to call the Almighty’s creation stupid?!? Yes we do get excited sometimes but that’s not an excuse acceptable to Him. Even I am guilty of it.

Personally, I find comfort in the names of God. Names here refer to a person’s character. In times of weakness, El Shaddai shall be my strength. When I have none/nothing, Yahweh Yireh will provide. In times of trouble, Yahweh Shalom shall be my comfort. Yahweh Sabaoth rescued me from Hell. Lastly, Yahweh Shammah will never forsake me.

I seriously still wonder what God calls me??

God bless =)

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