Jul 6, 2009

Mirror, mirror,

“The session was scheduled earlier today. A lot of time was expended in preparation for the barber-shop harmonics. Prior to coming, much care was given to sound checks and vocal chords. Our spirits attuned, our singing became invigorating. We could lead into heights and come down valleys; we could challenge, affirm, admonish, encourage and console. In song, we shared in all the shades of emotion; we would capture and release, solicit and pour forth. Music and song can be even more intoxicating than wine. It can make us glad, draw tears from stony hearts, bolster weary souls, draw from nostalgia and relive the past. It was a wonderful session; we will do this again, at the next karaoke meet.”

“There are no written terms and conditions. We promote a wholesome community and therefore there are minimal standards and decorum; of life-style, incomes and accoutrements, no tobacco please, since we are adverse to smoking, no coarse language, for we have our ladies and kids, and no drunkenness. We encourage friendliness and consideration. We would aspire to be a large extended family but as with the human race, we make proviso for friends and acquaintances. There are those with whom we will relate well and some who affect us adversely, with the vast majority somewhere in between these. But none the matter, we fit where we belong. It works quite well, really; within our inner circles, there is genuine love and sacrifice for each other. We enjoy each other’s company; have meals and holidays together even. In good times we celebrate, our successes, our birthdays, and our lives together. When times threaten, we will circle the wagons and provide support and consolation. If need be, we will mourn together. Not bad; for a community club”

“We sit in the congregation, sing “Hallelujahs” and say “Amen’s”. The hall resounds with “Praise the Lord” and “Bless you, brother and sister”. We raise our hands and bend our knees, we speak in tongues and the language of angels, we command “in Jesus’ Name”. The speaker makes an impassioned plea, after discoursing with sublime ardor a skillfully treatised exposition of a ladened text. The language was simple, succinct, the delivery inspired to a tee. It was with skillful composure, imbibed with myriad emotion and articulated with appropriate tenor. The summation made the atmosphere as dense as before an incoming storm. We sit in the congregation; a herd of sheep and goats.”

Sheep and goats are genetically different. A sheep can not be like the goat, and the goat, would need a miracle, to be turned into a sheep.

My sheep hear My voice, AND I know them,AND they follow Me
(Joh 10:27)

God bless.


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