Oct 7, 2010

Who God is to you?

I checked my phone for the umpteenth time, awaiting a text message. Doesn’t she care for me?

Has she forgotten the times we shared, when I was there for her when she was feeling weary and down?

Am I not important to her? Why is she ignoring me?

This is a feeling I’m sure many of us can relate to- The feeling of being ignored. It is often said that the amount of time you spend on something is relative to its importance. In other words, if something is important to you, you would definitely devote a huge amount of time to it. On the contrary, things of little significance would take a much smaller role in our lives.

This thus leads us to the question of our priorities in life. As students, it is undeniable that the largest proportion of our time goes to our studies; be it tuition, homework, or revision. The little leftover we have is then divided into little pockets of time for sports, socialising, entertainment, and whatnot.

However, have we forgotten about God? Yes, God- the one whom we sing about every Sunday in church, He, who alone deserves all praise, the one who is more precious than gold, silver, or precious stones? Don’t these statements stress on the importance of God?

As a child, I used to imagine God sitting by a telephone, waiting for me to call. And yes, if that illustration is used today, I think that God would be like the person described in the opening paragraph.

As the Sunday School song goes,
Prayer is like a telephone
For us to talk to Jesus
Pick it up
And use it every day
Thing is, God has given us 24 hours in a day; would it be too much to ask for half an hour for prayer and quiet time? Think about it, guys.

- Jo-Yi

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