Jan 8, 2011

Starting it Right

Hello everybody!

After the awesome holiday season, for most of us, we would have just started school again , gone back to work, and for the a few, it’s just the beginning of our exams.

The year 2011 may be significant to many of us who are entering secondary school, starting anew in college, or sitting for major examinations at the end of the year.

Daily routines aside, the year 2011 can also be a new start to us seeking to deepen our relationship with God. It could be through a regular quiet time, prayer, and commitment to finish reading the Bible within a year. Admittedly, it isn’t easy and we may struggle with it. However, we can start by setting a few goals, and gradually increasing the difficulty of it as the year goes by. Also, take the time to share with a brother or sister in Christ any difficulties you might be facing so that he or she can encourage and support you through it. Finally, don’t allow occasional slip ups to make you feel like a failure. Instead, use them to motivate you to go one step further.

Have you had previous resolutions gone awry? Strike it right this year with the Lord. Let this new year be a year of change.

- Jo-Yi

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