May 20, 2011


How interesting, I made a video with Evelyn, talking about the mentally retarded. The video's message was remind society that we should be sensitive and mindful of the handicapped and not be reckless with the words we use.

Just yesterday, a friend of mine got me a free ticket to a comedy night down in KL. While I was thinking it will be one of my usual local comedians like Harith Iskandar or Douglas Lim, apparently it was a night of Caucasian comedians.

Feeling really out of place with their dirty jokes and totally unprepared for that sort of God-forbidding humour, what really caught my attention for that night was this particular female comedian. The emcee told the audience that she's really special and I was wondering, "A special female comedian? How special woh. (cause most comedians are usually guys, statistically speaking)."

And there she was, a guy helping her up the stage and she climbs the steps in a very awkward manner. Thinking whether she's making it up just to entertain the crowd or.. "I'm brain damaged" she said.

The fact that she has a thick accent made it rather difficult to grasp what she's saying but her speech was rather handicapped too due to her condition, which made it even more difficult to listen. But nonetheless, I could still get a gist of she's trying to get at.

While she took advantage of her condition to come up with jokes like asking people what are they bad at and that particular audience took a really long time to reply, she said "Oh... do... you ... want... me .. speak.. slower.. for.. you..?" Yet, that one thing that really got me pondering was, she made fun of our Lord and Saviour as well - our Lord Jesus Christ.

To me, I always had the idea that individuals who go through life with more challenges and obstacles, who tasted a lot more hardship than most people would have in their comfortable lives would have a higher possibility to ponder upon the meaning of life because of the injustice and ordeal they have to face through compared to others. But this particular lady decides to take it the other way and conform entirely to the world's standards - mocking the only greatest love giver to all humanity.

Funny thing is, though she may think and struggle to be "accepted", truth is, we're all handicapped and have fallen short. Rings a bell?
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
In some sense, yes, you may say that the contrast is rather huge between us and the handicapped individuals but really, what difference would it make if there's still a huge dark void in your soul? Even the most richest and healthiest person on earth will discover this at the end of his life,
Matthew 16:26
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"
I pray and hope that she encounters the very Lord and Saviour that she mocked and joked about and to know, she doesn't have to resolve to that to be "accepted".

- daryl 's u n d a e' heng

Images taken from:

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