Aug 22, 2010


First up, for the Recyclables Community Service, we've collected approximately 330KG of newspapers!

Plus, there were only 14 of us so if we divide the total weight of the newspapers evenly, each of us would have brought 23.5KG of newspapers. Imagine if we had 30 of us? :)

Nonetheless, we'll be progressing to the next stage approaching to the TTDI residence. Do start to pile up your papers at home to add on to the total weight (which means let your parents be informed about our activities!)

We want to make an impact to our neighbouring community, so do pray that God would honour that very desire of TTDIGC Youth. Comparing to the small Thessalonian Church during Apostle Paul's time, they made an impact of their faith so strong, it reached as far as 250 miles away!

1 Thessalonians 1:7-8

"And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere.."

Let us strive to put God's name on high!


for our dear faithful readers of the Youth blog, allow us to introduce our new list of contributors of the blog!

1.) Daryl Heng
2.) Gary Heng
3.) Alex Tan
4.) Xin-Yi
5.) Jo-Yi
6.) Yit Mun
7.) Phoebe Lim
8.) Johnson Khor

We'll be having a fixed "2 posts a week" by this list of contributors but we'll also be posting up updates (such as IBA Unplugged, Recyclables Community Service, etc.) in between the posts. So do check back here often to keep yourselves updated!

That's it for now, do look forward for the upcoming posts this week!

God bless,
The YTM Committee

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