Jul 19, 2011

The Joy

The joy of knowing that no matter how I feel, think and sometimes doubt - I'm never alone.

The joy of knowing that no matter how many mistakes, transgressions and hurtful doings I've done - He always forgives as long as I truly repent.

The joy of knowing that even though everything seems to be crumbling down and that as if "life sucks" - God only gives the best to me as His child and it was me who asked for trouble in the first place by disobeying.

The joy of knowing that my actions and deeds are not done for man's praises - just simply a way of telling others how much God loves me.

The joy of knowing that I never need to be hurt again by empty promises and happiness that doesn't last - I have found a deep joy that literally last forever and nothing can separate it away from me.

The joy of knowing that there are others who identify in Christ with me - despite of their race, age or gender. An universal love for all who fall short the glory of God.

The joy of knowing that my sisters and brothers in the same faith would had lay down their lives for me - to listen, to share and to pray for me.

The joy of knowing that I can fully explore my capabilities and true self through God - and not subscribe to the lies of the media about "Being Yourself" and end up being a burden on the expense of others.

The joy of knowing that it's in the personal choice of faith I have come to know Him as my Father in Heaven - not by human knowledge which impairs my judgment of His reality.

The joy of knowing why I'm here - and to share with others that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!

- daryl 's u n d a e' heng

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