Aug 28, 2011


We live in a fast paced world. Always moving, ever changing. The emergence of technology has transformed our world, and in many ways, our lives. Information moves so quickly now. Everything is instant, from facebook to tweeter to whatsapp and even to Sms-ing. How many times have you felt frustrated when reading a long winded article? Screaming in your head "GET TO THE POINT!" often right?

Well sometimes, we let this attitude of immediacy to seep into our relationship with God. I used to pray, especially during the crossroads of my life, expecting God to answer immediately. If He did not, then it was either a no or a 'He agrees with the current decision' kind of thing. I never actually sat down, be still and seek His will. Prayer was, and sometimes now is still a 5 minute touch and go kind of thing. I actually wished God could just reveal His will to us immediately just like receiving a SMS or an email, just like hearing a beep on our phones but obviously, that's just not His standard of operation.

Life, as mentioned, is super fast paced. Going from one thing to another, life just flies by. If it's not studies, it's family. If not then it's leisure and the list goes on. Jesus, as recorded in the gospels, was also a very busy man. Crowds approached him to be healed, the Pharisees often questioned him and his disciples always looking to him to lead the ministry. Yet, Jesus took time off. He would often withdraw himself and prayed alone quietly. He spent hours seeking God's will - being still before Him.

I know how difficult it is to be still nowadays. We are so accustomed to doing something until doing nothing becomes so frustrating. God voice is often soft and unless we quieten down our minds and hearts and be still, we aren't going to hear it. There are times when God sends "beeps" in our lives but we don't want that to happen before we do the right thing. The next time your phone goes beep when you received a text, be reminded not to assume God works that way. So my challenge to you is this, can you do "nothing" for God? PEACE \/

*PS: the challenge should be read in context*

-Alex Tan

Images taken from:-

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