Nov 17, 2010

Taking a Break?

The Christian walk is definitely not one of ease and comfort. Its if full of trials and temptations and also a lot of self-denying. It is a walk of focus and determination.

But what happens when we lose our focus, which is Christ? You find that denying yourself becomes extra difficult. You find yourself getting tired and weary to continue on the race. All sense of joy is lost. When doing anything for God, motivation and enthusiasm lacks. Emotions tend to become stronger than knowledge and facts. `What you feel’ now plays a big role in the decisions you make. You keep pressing on, of course. Not dealing with the issue of lack of focus. Until finally one day, you ask yourself when is my break? When do I get off?

I don’t know about you guys. But I have been there before. You see the fact is, in this walk, there are no breaks. That's why its a walk. It is continual. A long obedience in the same direction in fact. Not a hop or jump, but a continual, long lasting walk. This issue of taking a break only comes when you lose that love for God. Just imagine a relationship of two new lovers. As long as they are in love, they will do all kinds of things for each other. But when that love ends, all kinds of problems surface. Likewise, as Christians, we should always take a step back to reflect on how God has impacted our lives. Remind ourselves of the reason why we are running this race.

Well, the break will come eventually. When our time to do His work is up, that will be our break. For Paul stressed so much on the perseverance of believers to run the race because he knew its importance.
“For to live is Christ, to die gain” – Phillipians 1:21

- Alex 'c o p h y' Tan

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