Nov 12, 2010

True Colours

Taking my usual route back from work, I will have to go through at least several highways before reaching home. I will normally be extremely annoyed by a few drivers cutting the queue to the high way by squeezing into the end of the queue and then entering to the high way. The best part - the drivers who are queuing up and have been waiting patiently, have to wait even longer.

But I was wondering, besides the fact that it’s obviously inconsiderate and somewhat uncivilized, why could they do it?

I mean, would they blatantly cut a queue in the wide open of a fast food restaurant where everyone can see that person’s face? Maybe they would, but compared to a car cutting a queue to the highway, which is more seen frequently?

The contrast is obvious.

And then it hit me, maybe it’s because they know they're hiding behind their wheels and no one could really see their face. Even if the neighbour lane and the car infront of him could, they probably couldn’t recognize him or even remember because their eyes have to be on the road, not staring at a person’s face.

Even if they tried to stare, that person probably zoomed off far, far, far away and he doesn’t have to go through some “guilt” trip so to speak.

Why am I bringing this up? Because that’s true colour.

True colours of a person is not shown when a person is in the best mood and neither if the person knows that someone knows him and is looking at him. It is best shown the opposite - When he is going through a tough time and no one is looking.

Just like how an employee or an employer would secretly take short cigarette breaks or lie their way out when they're late. But works diligently and committed with “passion” when the superior is looking.

Just like how a college mate may steal your entire work just to finish his own work and then treats you extremely nice when you’re in front of him.

Just like how 2 players argue, quarrel and then curse foul letters at each other’s family members over an online game (like DOTA and HoN) and ironically not knowing they are actually friends in real life.

As Christians?

Well likewise! We are goody two shoes in front of everyone in church but when we’re out there in the world..well your identity, your true colours are shown.

We claim that we’re God’s child and that’s our identity, we got to make sure that’s who we are.
Romans 8 : 16
“ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”

And no, I’m not going about legalistic approach to this entire identity thing. We should know by now, our Father in Heaven is just as real as your father you have in your family. The things that you do or not do are not based by a book he (your blood father) has given you and you must follow it but rather it all depends on how much you love him - A real relationship.

I’m not writing this either to crucify any of my family members in this world as though I have no mistakes and wrong doings to our Father in heaven. But in hope to serve as a reminder, because too often than not, we do things forgetting that God is watching and His always there. And we’ll purposely try harder to forget that He is when we’re about to commit a sin!

If we are God’s children, then let us be the most loving, obedient and grateful children we can ever be to Him as our Lord, Saviour and our Beloved Father.

Matthew 22:37
“ Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

Do all things including your speech, your dressing and the totality of your being as a testimony of God’s love in your life, at all times. It’s okay to make mistakes along the way and loving God with all that you can give but it’s not okay if you’re doing whatever you’re doing because of conscience’s sake.

If you ever see a car cutting the queue to the highway, I hope it will remind you of this post!

God bless.

- Gary Heng

Images taken from:


Ivan said...

Hmm, Gary how if it's an emergency? Would a doctor be justified in cutting the queue? The fact is we won't know and can't know the reason for someone cutting the queue. So best is not to judge. IMO, you shouldn't let this affect you. No point getting worked up over it cuz there would be people who still do it at the end of the day.

Another thing, I don't quite agree with is: "... it’s not okay if you’re doing whatever you’re doing because of conscience’s sake." God gave us a conscience as an alarm bell. We ought to heed the alarm bell, but I don't get what you were trying to say by "... it's not okay if you're doing whatever you're doing because of conscience's sake." Does that mean there's something wrong if a person heeds the alarm bell God put in him/her?

Kindly explain.

God bless,

gary said...

I suppose that maybe a possibility but watching that many cars doing it daily and watching how it drives after how it cut the queue is highly unlikely the case of an emergency. (it's barely even speeding) Not letting things affect you at no level at all is not necessarily a healthy thing, in this case, i think it's good that it affected me, God spoke to me through it :)

To your second part of your query :

“ Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 23:37

The verse in itself is not a mere suggestion or an advice from God, it's actually a command, hence a commandment. It's not just a commandment, it's the greatest commandment.

If you're doing things because you were merely heeding the alarm bell that God has rang, that IMO is not fine. But rather, in the process of love where you've committed sin be it intentional or unintentional, it starts with a ring of bell at the conscience, following an act of repentance and then realizing how we have fallen from following God with all our heart, mind and soul, that in itself is what we as Christians should be following through and it's very much fine. In fact that is how functional loving relationships work.

And in context, i wasn't actually pointing out "doing things" that might commit sin. Rather doing things because you love God. Not because you want your conscience to feel alright. (which obviously points towards selfishness, for self justification purposes)

For example, leading a worship session. (Note this is just for comparison sake, the first one "conscience" may not necessarily be out of conscience sake if it's truly the person's best capability in leading the first worship as a young Christian)

Conscience : just get over with it, go open up a worship song book, grab your 3 favourite songs. Lead through the entire thing and it's over.

Loving God : Pray about it, even fast about it. Then as God's lead your heart, you fearfully yet with gratitude pick songs that really express your worship to Him as you lead the congregation. And if God would you want to speak, you do it your best and with full of preparation.

I hope this clear up some of your confusions ivan!

God bless,

Ivan said...

Ah I was refering to a non-Christian, apologies apologies.

I think your first example didn't really capture the meaning of conscience? Isn't it supposed to tell you if you're doing the right thing? Maybe your first example was more appropriate if you labeled it as someone who didn't know to song lead..

A more appropriate example would be hmm:

Conscience: I must not tell lies because it's wrong.

Loving God: I must not tell lies because God doesn't like it.

A non-Chrisitan would gravitate more to "conscience" whereas Chrisitans would be of the latter.

God bless,

gary said...

I think that the example is appropriate as there are "self profess" Christians who does chores and activities in church out of conscience, which leading a worship session is one of them. There are also true Christians who has strayed away greatly from God and therefore run on "automatic" mode which they rely on conscience to finish the task given, not because that person loves God.

I hope that helped you understand where I'm coming from with the example given.

God bless,